Friday, February 22, 2013

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

The company I work for just recently switched insurance providers and as part of the switch, they had all employes participate in a health screening. I had had my blood work done myself a year prior as part of the big 50 checkup.   I had had some blood work done in 2008 at my wife's insistence.   The good news is, my Triglycerides were better today than in 2008.   The bad new is, both were worse than in 2012 (by quite a bit).  My HDL levels were good all three times.  So what did I do prior to my blood work in 2012 that gave me the much better numbers. I ate paleo for about a month before the test. I only learned about this most recent screening  about a week ago and have actually not been exercising much due to the cold rainy weather.  Well that and the fact that I have been eating way too much junk food recently.  Here are the numbers by year.

Cholesterol 2008 =  230, 2012 = 214, 2013 = 238  BTW good is 200 or less.
HDL  2008 = 46, 2012  = 44, 2013 = 46  30 to 70 is normal but above 40 is considered better
Triglyceride 2008 = 478, 2012 = 293, 2013 = 457

I know I need to start eating better and also be a little more consistent with my exercise program.  I would like to see the BMI and Triglycerid numbers drop a lot.  I'm not as worried about the Cholesterol.  My BMI was 35 and I'd like to see that drop down to 30 or slightly less.  Loosing 35 lbs would do it but I could stand to loose about 50 lbs.


  1. As your BMI goes down the other numbers will probably change for the better. I know you can do it. arnie

  2. Thanks for the encouraging words arnie!

  3. you need to get those sugar levels down..that is stroke level..there is medication you can take regularly that will help keep them down, if you get your diet and exercise under control then you could not take the hubsband takes something every day, because he loves
